Peppermint Sticks

They brought a dinosaur cake, While the cat meowed and looked grumpily, The records played Lana Del Ray, While the girl danced frumpily; I spoon the noodles in my mouth, Itching to escape to my room with a book, But alas, the cushions have been cast off from the couch, And the feline has disappeared…


Ring around the rosie,A pocket full of posies. I told you my secret While you were noseyAshes! Ashes! My compassion is in snatches, About your skeletons I found out,Thusly, we all fall down.


I ate an ice cream cone, On the hilltop The cooler by my side, I look down at the city A broken abyss of money  And misery, Look up at the sky Strict and disciplined, I let out a sigh And put the cone down, Stand to survey The sunset orange and grim, Wondering what…


I see her weeping by Lucky Brand, Her head in her hands I am by her side before my neurons form a coherant thought, What happened I ask, She looks up and shows me a picture on her phone It is her husband and another woman I wound internally, Is this how its always going…

Never Mind

Butter lines the circumference of her mouth, She gobbles popcorn and thinks of buying a new couch, The snow flurries play havoc outside the windows, A chocolate to eat and a chocolate to drink Will make this day complete While the choir in Home Alone sings.


If someone could just encase my hurt in a ball And cover it with brownies, twinkling lights and love, Then maybe I would pick myself up more easily after a fall, But you know what, at the end of the day Even if someone loves me till May, I know that the only person who…


I see your darkness in your dulcet tones, The jealousy behind lined eyes and skin of the moon, I feel bewildered by the one who has everything Rambling about the one thing I do have, I don’t know how to deal with it Because it becomes a pattern soon, Should I call you out? But…

Of Toffees & Chocolates

I eat Uncle Chips after coming home from school, Kids play cricket in the park  I sleep covered by razais and love, In the evening I wake up and eat Maggi I do my homework for a bit or two Of course, all in cursive writing Then I eat daal chawal and some lamb stew…


Dreams ache behind my eyes, I awake and lie still A longing in my heart For the subconscious and free If I could have one thing It would be to sit by the riverbank And write poetry under a tree.


Ho hum, I feel so relieved, Usually there is a heavy textbook or two on my head, And then the pens which sometimes prick, Why can’t she study on her bed I am just a poor old desk I have better things to do, you know If I wasn’t always so loaded with weight I…